I have been a student of Power Hour for one year now. I have worked out before through various methods but I have never been as consistent as I have been with Power Hour. Jane’s approach is to meet each person where they are in their workout abilities and direct and encourage growth through time. She constantly reminds us throughout the class the proper techniques for each move and provides alternative options for people with specific limitations. I have noticed an improvement over time in my posture, my balance, my stamina, my ability to reach upper cabinets and to squat for lower cabinets. My posture has improved with a squarer more than rounded look through my shoulders. I will be 75 this month and I am very pleased, thanks to Power Hour, with how young and strong I feel. Jane is constantly challenging us so there is more for me to do to maintain my well being as the years tick on. In addition there is a little social chatter that goes before and after class so we do connect and feel a part of a hard working group.